Welcome to the Support Center
IMPORTANT! Before shipping any goods to our factory service, please open a ticket, describe the issue and attach the photos of the product. We will respond in the shortest possible time.
Products sent to the service point without prior service agreement and authorization may be returned / shipped back to Sender without any service work done to them.
To obtain a full warranty for your light-for-me products:
Keep the receipt / invoice for the purchased light-for-me products.02. WARRANTY CONDITIONS
Read the warranty conditions of purchased light-for-me products. If you wish, download and print the warranty. Warranty documents are available for download at any time.03. SENDING LIGHT-FOR-ME PRODUCT TO THE SERVICE
Should you need to send your light-for-me product to the service, download and fill in the Return Form, log in at our SUPPORT & SERVICE CENTRE to get your ticket - it will be your RAN (Return Authorisation Number). Make sure to obtain RAN prior to shipping the items to the service point.04. RETURN AUTHORISATION NUMBER
Write down your RAN on the form, send the product(s) back together with required documents to the below address:SMARTX Sp. z o.o., ul. Falista 2, 41-906 Bytom, Poland
IMPORTANT: Please note that parcels form outside the European Union must have all the necessary paperwork for customs. Parcels with incomplete or missing paperwork will not be collected / signed for and may be automatically returned to the Sender. We do not take any responsibility for such parcels and any additional costs you might bear. All items sent for service must have an open ticket in the Service Centre prior to shipping.